Discover the Essence of Manang Valley: A Celebration of Wine, Apples, and Joyful Sipping

Manang Valley! A land famous for beauty and near-paradise treat to the human eyes. The wiftly blowing breeze whistled through the rocky terrains, embracing the religious fabric of Buddhist flags, to the silent walls of monasteries.

And when the sun shines, the snowy white mountains appear prettier than ever, captivating the unbelievably majestic beauty! Manang is evidently famous as a tourist attraction, as well as for its divine culture and magnetic appeal of living primitively. There is one more thing that amplifies the allure of Manang. Any guesses? Well, we are talking about the delicious red Apples! 

Undoubtedly the taste of the Apples in the cold Orchards of Manang screams deliciousness and apple farming is also a livelihood for many apples. But what if we tell you, there’s an even better approach to intake the goodness of apples, but in a bottle form complemented best in a fine glass?

Presenting Manang Valley, a boutique winery in the mountainous region of Manang catering to the finest wines. There is a lot that fills in enjoying the perfect sip! But first, let’s talk about the apples.

The Mouth-watering Apples Of Manang

As refreshing as a glass of Manang Valley wine is, major credits go to our hand-picked apples that bring out all the juicy flavor. Manang is situated at a high altitude of 3500-5500 meters, home to chilly and howling winds. 

This cold environment provides a unique microclimate, with warm days and cool nights that cause the slow ripening of apples. This slow and steady magic unlocks the perfect sweetness and glossy texture in the apples

Likewise, the clean air and crystal clear water used in irrigation further nourish our apples and bring out the most supreme quality. Our Bhartang farmhouse is one of the firsts of its kind located at 2900 meters, where the finest of apples act as raw inputs to produce some fine wine for your dining!

Types Of Apples We Use From Manang In Wine-Making

  1. Fuji-Kiku:-

Fuji Kiku is a top-quality variety of Fuji apples, impressing consumers with its sweet sugary flavor and striking red color.

 This yummy apple boasts a big size, made even more alluring by its polished, dense texture. The spot-on ratio between sweetness and pinches of acidity makes Kiku a stupendous fruit, ideal for culinary implications.

  1. Fuji Mama:-

Fuji Mama ranks high in Manang’s exquisite range of fruit family, cherished for 

its pleasantly sweet, honeyed taste heightened by the juicy texture and overall appeal. Our winery identifies the potential of this apple to craft the finest wines!

  1. Golden Delicious:-

Golden Delicious Apples are Manang’s rarest treasures loved for their gorgeous color, mild sweet flavor, buttery, silky, and smooth texture that melts in your mouth. The taste is often described as a honey sweet balanced with a pinch of bitterness.

  1. Gala:-

The heavenly atmosphere of Manang, nurtured by a cool temperament hosts an ideal environment for Gala apples to grow beautifully. Attractive in the skin of red and yellow prints, Gala’s flavor profile is mildly sweet and juicy, perfect for molding into refreshing wine and making salads.

Our skilled workers unravel the micro-vinification process in stainless steel vats. They divide apples into smaller batches for closer inspection and observation.

 What you get next are premium bottles of unparalleled mouth-salivating wines. Now that the wine is ready! It is time to enjoy.

The Flair Of Wine Tasting: Enjoy Every Sip, Truly And Elegantly

Imagined in Manang, our exquisite wines, sweet and semi-sweet, gorgeously packed in labels of black and green call out for the best possible way to celebrate the art of wine tasting. 

Tasting wine is more than just taking a sip from a glass. The elegance, the classy body language, the choice of glass, and the grip, all fall into the masterclass of portraying yourself as a classy wine enjoyer. Here is a guide to help you savor the perfect gulp:

  1. The Perfect Setting:

Our finest collection of wines presents top-edge packaging, in colors of black and green label aesthetics paired with the finest of flavors. What we demand in return is you to enjoy our wines in the best way possible, full of heart! 

The experience is greatly enhanced by the setting in which a fine glass of wine is tossed. The nature, the ambiance, the silence, the happiness with close ones, calming music set a lively tone!

  1.  Appreciating the art of winemaking:

The flavourful wine wraps your tongue into a state of bliss and has a rich history to it. Taking a good couple of seconds, to look at the design and packaging, and feeling the cool touch of the bottle connects an individual with the art of winemaking. 

Our logo portrays the mountains of Manang, echoing the cold beauty, gliding winds, and snowy geography. Truly, the valley that brings out our flavors and rich culture. Cheers!

  1. The Art Of Tasting:

Tasting wine has a beauty of its own. Observing the wine’s color, clarity, aromatic smell, and the dancing of the liquid while tilting the glass. Our white wines are best served chilled and the art isn’t completed until the correct position to hold a glass is adopted. 

We’ve got a quick tip for you: It is best to hold the white wine glass on the stem while stemless glasses are preferable for red wines since the warming effect of hands doesn’t alter the flavor, especially when it comes to our Manang Valley wines, where taste travels from farm to bottle!

  1. Delicious Food: The Perfect Match:

Wine and dine is a common saying, yet it doesn’t just boil down to dining but can be combined with a hefty breakfast or a sunny lunch afternoon. The right pairing amplifies the overall taste, experience, and mood. 

Our wines carry a subtle touch of sweetness, balanced by a refreshing touch of acidity. Every drop carries the essence of Manang, brilliantly marinating with traditional Nepalese cuisine “Bon Appétit” friend!